The best place to farm for these gems would be in the Cave of Wonders in Agrabah. Tons of Bandits and Fat Bandits can be found here, from top to bottom in pretty much every room. And there’s a save spot in the Treasure Room so you can run through the cave easily from there (or even fight the bandits that spawn in the same room you fought Jafar). Then you can hit the save spot to exit the world (or just go a couple rooms over) then re-enter to keep farming. Through synthesis you’ll be able to craft a variety of healing items and accessories with these Gems.

Blaze Gem Farming Options

There’s a handful of heartless that drop these gems, and quite a few locations to try farming at. But here’s a full list of all your options if you’re chasing these fiery synthesis gems:


Watch your back (and your wallet) when taking out these heartless. They’re known thieves! You’ll recognize these little sword-wielding heartless right away, and they spawn fairly often in Agrabah’s Cave of Wonders. They have a 6% drop chance (4% in Final Mix) for dropping Blaze Gems, and these guys can be found in a few worlds: Agrabah, Monstro, and the End of the World. But the best location to farm these Bandits would be in Agrabah’s Cave of Wonders. The room where you fought Jafar the first time is an excellent place to farm since there’s a save spot nearby.

Fat Bandits

Fat Bandits are bigger and tougher than large bodies. But they all have the treasure you’ll need. They have a 10% drop chance (8% in Final Mix) to give you a Blaze Gem. You can also find them in Agrabah, Monstro, and the End of the World – same as the Bandits. And all things considered, these will be your best method for gathering lots of Blaze Gems quickly. If you run through the Cave of Wonders in Agrabah several times, you’ll be sure you walk out with quite a bit of treasure. Because these chunky bois spawn in almost every room inside the caves.

White Mushrooms

These rare heartless and their crazy game of charades can be quite difficult to find. They do appear in almost every world, but they’re tricky to work with. Basically you have to cast the correct spell they mime, and you’ll have 3 rounds to cast a spell. Get one wrong and they’ll disappear. If you’re after Blaze Gems then you’ll want to at least cast a Fire spell as the last spell in their miming sequence (you’ll see the mushroom shivering like they’re cold – this means they want fire!) Casting Fire as the last of the 3 spells gives you a 20% drop chance at a Blaze Gem. Or if you can cast fire spells all three times then you’ll have a 60% chance at a Blaze Gem drop. Just note that in KH1.5 Remix these Mushrooms will only have a static 10% drop chance even if you cast Fire spells all three times.


Summoning Bambi in Traverse Town is one more way to get these gems. Basically, the more heartless you defeat with Bambi on the field, the more its charge gauge fills up. Once you get it charge 3 times in Traverse Town then you’ll have a 30% chance to get a Blaze Gem drop. Note that Bambi’s drop table changes with each world – so if you’re after Blaze Gems you’ll have to do this in Traverse Town. Here’s a full table to show what you can get in Traverse Town based on how many gauges you fill up:

Blaze Gem Uses

These show up in a variety of synthesis recipes, so they’re definitely something you’ll want to collect. Here’s a full list of everything you can make: Mega Potion: Heals 30 HP for each party member. You can synthesize this in KH1 using List II and x1 Blaze Gem, x1 Frost Gem, x1 Thunder Gem, and x2 Mythril Shards. In KH1.5 Remix the recipe is much different and does not require any Blaze Gems. Mega-Ether: Similar to the Mega Potion, the Mega-Ether restores 3 MP to every party member. Synthesize this in KH1 using List III and x3 Blaze Gems, x3 Frost Gems, x3 Thunder Gems, x5 Bright Gems, and x1 Bright Crystal. KH1.5 Remix does not require any Blaze Gems, so that recipe only needs List II and x1 Blaze Shard, x1 Frost Shard, x1 Thunder Shard, and x2 Mythril. Rune Amulet: An accessory increasing MP by +1 and Defense by +1, plus boosting magic and summon power. You can synthesize this in KH1 with List III and x2 Blaze Gems, x2 Frost Gems, x2 Thunder Gems, and x3 Mythril. In KH1.5 Remix you’ll need List II and x3 Blaze Gems, x3 Frost Gems, and x3 Thunder Gems.
Ribbon: An extremely versatile protection accessory, granting you +20% resistances against Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, and Dark damage, as well as +3 Defense. This recipe in KH1 needs need List IV and x5 Blaze Gems, x5 Frost Gems, x5 Thunder Gems, x5 Bright Gems, and x3 Gale. If you’re playing KH1.5 Remix then you’ll need List V and x5 Blaze Gems, x5 Frost Gems, x5 Thunder Gems, x1 Gale, and x3 Serenity Power. AP Up: Increase any party member’s AP by +1. Synthesize this in KH1.5 Remix with List III and x2 Blaze Gems, x2 Frost Gems, x2 Thunder Gems, and x4 Mythril. The original game will have a different recipe that doesn’t require any Blaze Gems.

Are These Worth Farming?

There are tons of useful items you can make with Blaze Gems. So I would recommend trying to get your hands on a few – or at least planning out a set number to get depending on how many synthesis recipes you want to make. Making copies of the healing items and the Ribbon accessory are definitely worth your time. And farming in the Cave of Wonders isn’t too difficult or time consuming – especially if you’re leveled up a bit. So it might take a little running around but it should be relatively easy to gather lots of gems.

Where To Get Blaze Gems in KH1   KH1.5  Farming Guide    FandomSpot - 48Where To Get Blaze Gems in KH1   KH1.5  Farming Guide    FandomSpot - 77Where To Get Blaze Gems in KH1   KH1.5  Farming Guide    FandomSpot - 79Where To Get Blaze Gems in KH1   KH1.5  Farming Guide    FandomSpot - 88Where To Get Blaze Gems in KH1   KH1.5  Farming Guide    FandomSpot - 78