Where Could Melissa Caddick Today be? Nobody knows where Melissa Caddick is today. Since the time her vanishing in November 2020, she has never returned back home. Some even accept that she might be dead after police found her foot in 2021 close by a remote ocean side on NSW’s south coast.


She was an unlicensed monetary counsel in Australia who disappeared while being scrutinized by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) for purportedly directing a Ponzi conspire.

She supposedly took $30 million from her clients, particularly her loved ones, during an eight-year time span, from October 2012 to 2019. She purportedly positioned the cash in 37 financial balances.

Her wrongdoings turned out to be more not kidding every year, as indicated by the Federal Court of Australia. She purportedly arranged false CommSec portfolio proclamations and counterfeit record numbers when her clients put away cash to show them what return they had gotten, driving them to expect they had put resources into shares.

Whenever her trick was found out by specialists, they attacked her home. Furthermore, after the attack, she vanished and has not been found at this point.

Is Melissa Caddick Dead Or Alive? Individuals keep thinking about whether Melissa Caddick is in any condition. As per The Guardian, police observed her remaining parts on the NSW south coast a very long time on February 2021.

A piece of her remaining parts was found on a remote ocean side on the state’s south coast, as per NSW police aide magistrate Michael Willing.

The campers tracked down a shoe and “decayed” foot on a remote ocean side. Police guaranteed that the shoe matched the one she was wearing when Asic was looking through her home upon the arrival of her vanishing.

The DNA test demonstrated that it was her foot. Nonetheless, the body was rarely found, and many figure that she might be sequestered from everything some place as her body isn’t found at this point.

Academic administrator of Criminology Dr. Xanthé Mallett said that since you don’t have a foot doesn’t imply that you are dead. An individual can get by without a foot too.

— M (@milliedempsey) April 4, 2022

Figure out Melissa Caddick Missing Details On Wikipedia As per Wikipedia, Mellisa Caddick disappeared on November 12, 2020. It was the morning after ASIC and the Australian Federal Police looked through her Dover Heights home.

She was last heard by her child, who recognized an entryway shut down at 5:00 a.m. furthermore, expected it was his mom leaving for her morning walk. She didn’t get back from that point forward, and she had left behind all that she claimed.

Her unexpected vanishing stunned many individuals, including her asserted casualties as well as her loved ones. Regardless of broad examination of CCTV video, her exact area subsequent to leaving her home stayed obscure.

It was on the grounds that the recording didn’t cover the full region from where she evaporated. Hence, police are as yet researching how she wound up in the sea.